Tuesday, January 6, 2009

where's the love?

Alright, it's obviously been a long time-- I accept that. But, honestly, it's hard to blog all the time when NO ONE SHOWS ANY LOVE! Come on people, I'm not your circus chimp. You can't work me and beat me with the chains and never toss a cookie my way. Pavlov would disapprove of this training method. Clearly it doesn't derive results.

Now more importantly, I'm back in Pennsylvania. My life feels like an incredibly slow tornado. Sometimes I sit around and do nothing, then other times I feel like I'm getting more action than a toilet seat at a mexican restaurant. Sometimes I'm unaware that I have plans until I'm told. Many times I've forgotten plans until someone calls on their way to pick me up. Or sometimes people just "book" me and decide what I'm doing for me. All of these things are fine, but they've made the last few weeks that I've been home feel like a trippy dream. I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED WORKING YET! There was Christmas, then New Year's, now I need to get a physical. I had tons of dog sweaters and a few hats that had to be made and sent out. It's a slow cyclone, I tell you, and it's dragging me along at a slow speed but it's kicking up so much debris in my face that I can't function properly.

Tomorrow I go for my physical, then I'll FINALLY start work on Thursday. The dogs smell like ASS and desperately need a bath, but my mom is all "but the tub has a fiberglass covering that they'll scratch with their nails." Well their ass has a smell that is burning and cauterizing the nerve endings in my nostrils. But, because I STILL HAVEN'T STARTED WORK YET, I don't have any money to go somewhere to bathe them. It's madness.

I'm living in the basement of my parent's house also. There are so many things to say about that, none of which would be cohesive or comprehensible right now. I don't hate it. I don't love it. It just is. When I get back from South Africa I'll start working a real job (hopefully the social work position in Philly-- fingers crossed) so I can start saving for a house. And paying off student loans. Oh... student loans... like a wet blanket draped over me at all times. And it's not wet from water; no, it's kerosene. And someday fate, or the mafia, or the cashier lady at the supermarket, is going to fall asleep on the couch and drop a lit cigarette onto me and WHOOSH-- up in flames I'll go.

On a bright note, I have seen many friends and had a ton of fun since I've been home. I miss my friends in Oklahoma dearly, but I feel certain that I've made true friends there who won't disappear because of a mere 1500 miles. Also, South Africa is rapidly approaching and I am excited beyond words. I ordered a few books to read before I go, and am looking into renting a few movies. Due to the slow cyclone of my life I haven't been researching as much as my nerdy conscience tells me I should be doing, so there's a nagging guilt that has been plaguing me. But things are finally leveling out, so I'm able to fulfill my need to fully cannibalize any and all material I can about the culture.

So, now I bid you adieu. And if you're still stalking, errr... I mean following, me-- LET ME KNOW! No one says anything until I STOP writing on here. I mean, come on people, I gottsta WORK... I gottsta DANCE to feed my baby!