Wednesday, March 26, 2008

quick update

hey everyone! I'm not sure if anyone is actually reading this or not, but I figured I'd update anyway :) Where to start? Work, I suppose. It's okay. Still the same really. I'm trying to make more appointments with the non-profits so I can have up to date information and try to get them more help with volunteers. Also, I'm organizing an informative luncheon and inviting all of the organizations we partner with. I'm trying to get a speaker to help them with maybe grant writing or volunteer recruiting.

Moving on... rugby is going... well enough. Tomorrow night I leave with the team to drive to Nashville for a tournament called NashBash. I'm pretty excited about that. I've been dying to go to Nashville so it's a good opportunity! Then next weekend I'm going to St. Louis to play for Heart of America select side. Basically it's a better team--supposedly. But they're short people so I'll be there to fill in as needed. Also a good travel opportunity so I won't be sitting in my apartment Friday and Saturday night while Benny works, bored out of my mind. After that their rugby season is pretty much over, which suits me fine. The money is a bit too much, between dues and the hour and a half round trip three times a week to the pitch would really take its toll on my budget. So, all in all I'm content with that situation.

I've discovered through talking to several people in the same situation that meeting people and making friends as an adult is nearly impossible. Most people here have been here their whole lives, so they all have friends here. They aren't looking for more friends, especially after college when the majority of people here get married right out of college and have families. That's not a bad thing, but they aren't looking to add the girl from Pennsylvania into their social circle. So I'm working on finding new ways to meet people. I'm thinking about joinging Junior Hospitality. Long story short: it's a group of young women who do things to help in the community. I might also volunteer with one or two of my non-profits that have sparked my interest and hopefully meet a few people that way.

I have a few pictures of me drinking... solo... on St. Patty's day, when I get back from Nashville I'll post some of those pictures as well as pictures from my nash bash travels for your viewing pleasure.

Sadly, that's all I have to update right now. There were things that I thought of during this week that I actually wanted to journal (or I guess blog) about. But I don't remember now what they were. From now on I'll make notes so that I can entertain you all with my senseless babble.

Thank you and good night.

Friday, March 14, 2008

::ding:: round one...

(picture: Oklahoma the day we crossed the state lines)

Okay, I'm entering the world of blogging- rather cautiously I might add. I know no one actually reads these things unless they're INCREDIBLY bored, or know someone enough to care. Until I moved 1,500 miles away from my friends and family there was certainly no need to ramble aimlessly to my computer when all of my loved ones were an arm's length away. As it is, I might as well throw some things down in black and white and let people keep up on my ever-changing life at their own pace! We'll start with the pertinent info: if you want the address of my new apartment, email me for it, I'm not posting that shit on the internet. Next, I've already started the financial struggle of living with poverty wages-- on top of my relocation reimbursement not coming in yet. Joy. Moving on, the toilet overflowed the first time I used it (at least I had only peed... definitely too afraid for #2 after that!) It has since been fixed, but I'm sure my scrambling frantically to get towels was entertaining for the fly on the wall at the time. I like my job a lot, the people I'm working with are really great and extremely helpful.

Now, on to the apartment/life outside of work section of this blog! My apartment is cute- in an... interesting complex... but cute none the less! Living in this complex is kind of like living in Clifton. Some average white folk- perhaps toying with the edges of trashy- and the most thugged out thugs Oklahoma can provide. So, needless to say, I feel right at home! haha... it's a little more nerve-wracking since I
live alone, but so far- so good. Tonight I got to overhear my first honest-to-goodness domestic dispute. I'm not sure if he smacked his bitch up or gave her the old five-across-the-eyes, but he was definitely steamed up about 800 dollars. Now, before I could find the best eavesdropping location (which happens to be the closet in the dining area that houses my water heater. There is only one piece of drywall separating the apartment behind me and mine so the sound quality is superb; next to no muffling at all!) I fear I missed the prologue to the story. From what I deduce, she either stole 800 bucks from this guy who she lives with- baby daddy? Not sure yet. Or she did something with some other 'nigga' for the 800 dollars. Either case is entirely plausible, so pick whichever one tickles your fancy. He kept yelling 'nigga' and I'm not sure if it was at HER or about someone else. I'm not up on my ebonics, so I'm not sure if it's possible to call a woman a nigga. Well, at any rate, when I finally was in proper position, he was yelling over and over about how he always gives her all of his paychecks, shopping sprees all the time... 'all this for 800 damn dollas?!' ALL WHAT, FINE SIR?!??!? ALL WHAT I ASK YOU?!! It actually took restraint not to knock and ask through the thin drywall. However, I did not want him to 'bust a cap', so I stayed incognito. Furthermore, for those of you who have been privy to hearing me bitch about the overwhelming, wall-shaking bass that sometimes rattles my dishes, I think I have found the source! I guess I'm racial profiling, but if it isn't the 'nigga' behind me then it's the scrawny, hacky-sacking, stoner-looking kid who lives next to me. So, you say racial profiling, I say logical reasoning. Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe...

Tomorrow, Saturday, I'm going to my first game(s) with the University of Oklahoma Roses. They said they would use me in the games, but we'll see how it goes. I'm really excited and this week I'll start going to t
heir weekly Tues/Thurs practices! I'm amped!

Alas, that is all I have to say for tonight. I think I've given a fair amount of myself in this first blog so I'll stop now before I exceed the limit of the readers'
attention span.

pics of the new apartment before I've done much to it... I'll get up pics of it looking pretty... once it's looking pretty!!