Friday, October 24, 2008

tiger safari, heck yes!

So, I went to the tiger safari with Benny, Sarah, Chris, and Alora, and it was awesome! First of all, it was a beautiful fall day. The safari is set back basically in the middle of nowhere, and it felt like we traveled to another country-- or maybe that's because it's Oklahoma and it IS like another country... or planet. The entry fee was seven dollars, and worth every penny. Our tour guide took our group, along with two other families, around the park and talked with us about the animals. I might be a total nerd, but I enjoyed myself even more because it was so evident that the tour guide loved her jobs and the animals. She even said she was proud of me after I let her drape a SNAKE AROUND MY NECK.

Seriously, I must have been delirious with all the fresh air and sunlight to let this woman near me with a snake this size. Ick. That was luckily the first stop on the tour, and things only went up from there, in my opinion. We won't mention the fact that everyone else was perfectly fine with wearing the boa as a boa... as seen here:

and even this ridiculously huge snake that was being moved to a new home and made a stop for a group hug on the way:

Clearly someone should have flagged them on their fresh-air-intake, because this is the upper eshelon of insanity.

And now here are some pictures of far cuter animals that I enjoyed handling emensely more.

and I fed a tiger...

and-- MOST IMPORTANTLY-- I fed and posed for pictures with A LLAMA!!!

Look at the way he gazes at me. Notice also, the sheep. I'm like Dr. Fucking Doolittle.

Yes, LLAMA, eat the cornflakes I offer you.

To wrap the day up, some of the delinquents in our group defaced the sign at the safari...

When Sarah noticed that some guy was watching this debauchery we tried taking a nicey-nicey one to regain something that resembled dignity.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

To my avid readers, I apologize.

I know that this blog is the sun and moon in many of your lives, and I have neglected it, and you, for far too long. I have been a busy bee, so let me share it with thee.

I have moved into the new place! I'm now living in Edmond, Oklahoma (that's just for my stalkers) with three roommates and four dogs. I finally have a backyard for the dogs, which is great to play some fetch and wear them out. Except for when I throw three tennis balls in a row over the fence and Lucy looks at me like, "Really?!" Zulu has NO IDEA why Lucy runs after the ball and brings it back-- over and over-- so instead she waits for Lucy to get the ball, and on her way back she attacks her for it, then plays steal- not fetch. Zulu would rather kill and eat the "prey" while Lucy's chase instinct is strong enough that she will bring it back to chase again. To each his own. One roommate has a small dog; a shitszu (spelling, anyone?). I'm not sure what the shitszu was bred for, but Lucy and Zulu are convinced it was to be a play toy. He's a good sport about it, so it usually works out alright. And the fourth dog is geriatric and pretty much hates my dogs. Zulu is therefore even more in love with her and CONSTANTLY tries to lick her face-- which surprisingly pisses her off to no end. I'm pretty sure the other day while Zulu was feverishly bathing her face with wet kisses and she thought I wasn't listening I heard her mutter, "I'll cut you." That dog is obviously crazy badass.

Also, I'm starting a new job and leaving AmeriCorps. There are many reasons, time, desire, purpose, etc, that have lead to this decision. Most importantly, to put it delicately, I'm finacially FUCKED. I need a real job and fast. The job I'm moving to isn't really a long-term committment, but it will make me more than I'm making now. I'll be a server at a country club in Edmond. Hopefully this will buy me time to finish my class here and pay my bills-- and apply for jobs at home. Hopefully I will have something set up by the time I get home and will be able to move forward with a new career, making actual money, paying back actual debt. Luckily I didn't get caught up in any credit card debt or anything crazy like that. So it will just be college loans and sanity that I'm regaining upong my move home. Currently I feel like I never know if I'll have enough money for gas to make it to work the next day, let alone pay back loans. So, by moving home and getting a job of some sort (even if it's serving full time until I find a "real job") I'll feel like I'm getting my head above water and the boot of panic won't be on the back of my head holding me to the hard, cold bottom in the pool of financial FUCKERY.

I have to poop. Please refer to my blog about poo for my feelings about this.

Furthermore, the current SNL amazigness of Tina Fey as Sarah Palin is the only thing about this election that makes me laugh. Well, I usually laugh when the real Palin talks, but then I'm immediately clenched with GUT-WRENCHING FEAR that she could realistically run our country one day if the old man is elected and then kicks it (which he will). And that makes me want to weep. But, Tina Fey is too hilarious to not just appreciate. SNL should be bowing down to her and getting her lap dances for life for saving their tanking ratings. The whole show is better and morale has been visably boosted. So, horray for that.

And lastly, I'm addicted to crocheting. Probably in a creepy, and possibly illegal way. I have opened an online shop on etsy (which is a secondary addiction) and the address is -- bear in mind that it's brand new and only has about 5 items on it, but I'm feverishly crocheting and the variety will definitely increase in coming months. Feel free to do some marketing for me to friends and family [[shameless plea for help]]

I said that that was "lastly" so I suppose I'm done for now! Within the next day or two I'm going to add some pictures from my most recent activities-- of which there have been many! So stay tuned, and I promise to be more vigilant of this blog as to not dissappoint anymore.