Friday, October 24, 2008

tiger safari, heck yes!

So, I went to the tiger safari with Benny, Sarah, Chris, and Alora, and it was awesome! First of all, it was a beautiful fall day. The safari is set back basically in the middle of nowhere, and it felt like we traveled to another country-- or maybe that's because it's Oklahoma and it IS like another country... or planet. The entry fee was seven dollars, and worth every penny. Our tour guide took our group, along with two other families, around the park and talked with us about the animals. I might be a total nerd, but I enjoyed myself even more because it was so evident that the tour guide loved her jobs and the animals. She even said she was proud of me after I let her drape a SNAKE AROUND MY NECK.

Seriously, I must have been delirious with all the fresh air and sunlight to let this woman near me with a snake this size. Ick. That was luckily the first stop on the tour, and things only went up from there, in my opinion. We won't mention the fact that everyone else was perfectly fine with wearing the boa as a boa... as seen here:

and even this ridiculously huge snake that was being moved to a new home and made a stop for a group hug on the way:

Clearly someone should have flagged them on their fresh-air-intake, because this is the upper eshelon of insanity.

And now here are some pictures of far cuter animals that I enjoyed handling emensely more.

and I fed a tiger...

and-- MOST IMPORTANTLY-- I fed and posed for pictures with A LLAMA!!!

Look at the way he gazes at me. Notice also, the sheep. I'm like Dr. Fucking Doolittle.

Yes, LLAMA, eat the cornflakes I offer you.

To wrap the day up, some of the delinquents in our group defaced the sign at the safari...

When Sarah noticed that some guy was watching this debauchery we tried taking a nicey-nicey one to regain something that resembled dignity.

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