Tuesday, May 20, 2008

it's been a while.

...probably to no one. because it's been far too long between entries for people to still be checking this! I'll have to put up an away message soliciting viewers... how lame.

well, anyway, I'll try to give an update on my life, but sadly not much has changed or happened that would be of interest. I'll put it out there anyway. Let's see... it's been a month. I can't recall if in the last blog I mentioned the addition of my puppy to my life. Lucy is home, and after parvo, pneumonia, various upper respiratory issues, mange, and lots of antibiotics (and money), she's doing great! She has gained 10-12 lbs in less than a month that she's been healthy. She's almost fully german shepherd, if not full-- according to the vet. She's absolutely lovely-- minus the phone charger chewing incident-- and learns very quickly. She starts obedience classes when I get back to OKC from PA on July 20. I'm excited about it, which is kind of sad. haha... but such is life!

Now, as I mentioned above, there is a visit scheduled to PA for Saturday, July 12- Saturday, July 19. During this visit I'm going to spend as much time as I can with my parents, obviously. So I'll probably have people over, mostly. But, I really want to go to the shore- at least for a day. Maybe stay over night if the people that accompany me want to stay and booze one night in Wildwood :) and then spend another day on the beach. Which sounds lovely to me. I think leaving early Monday or Tuesday morning for that would be our best bet. I might also take a day trip to New York to visit Alex... if I can't convince her to come to the shore with me, that is! Other than that, I need a good night out around the UD, which will obviously consist of Cawley's and perhaps a visit to the Tavern... and perhaps Cuddy's to round out the night... and stumble home!

Backing up for a moment, about two weeks... no... three... well, whatever... I had surgery on my ovary-area. They found that I had scar tissue on a lot of my ovary and it was attaching my ovary to the fatty tissue on my colon. Which, apparently (strangely), isn't normal. The Dr. said she had never seen that before, which is encouraging. haha... but, long story short, I should be find and it could greatly reduce a lot of the pain, and maybe some ovarian problems, I've had for YEARS. Which for the people who know me well, know that it's been getting rather difficult. So, yay for that. She also gave me a medication (that I have yet to start b/c I need to pick it up) that should help with insulin levels that are thrown off due to my poly cystic ovarian syndrom-- which henceforth will be called PCOS. It can also help regulate weight, which would be awesome--mostly because I'm fat and lazy. hahahaha...

A week after the procedure, ZENA came to visit me!!! REALLY exciting! We went to the arts district, which in reality is about 2 blocks long, but it was actually really cute and we throughly enjoyed it :) We had Sonic for lunch, at Zena's request, and we walked around the Bricktown Canal. We visited the OKC memorial. We had Ted's (great mexican food) for dinner, and went to see Benny at the Wormy Dog and imbibed some tasty drinks :) and we also stayed in one night and played cards, drank, and ate pudding shots we had made the night before! All in all, it was a fabulous visit and I'm soooo glad she came!!

This past weekend I worked a concert for the Wormy Dog and was slinging beer all night and made REAL good money. Hopefully that happens again.

Currently, I'm sitting at work, procrastinating. Summer is a slow time for work in the student life department of a University. And if I need to explain why, you're slow too. Anyway, I have to learn- or I should say re-learn- how to use SPSS because it's been so long (and quite frankly, I didn't get it then either) since I've used it. My boss seems to think that psych major= expert in SPSS functions. False. So I'll have to Google stalk it... and fake it. haha... if anyone reading this has any clue about SPSS, let me know. I'll repay you with... kind words and hugs.
...not all at once now.

Bah-- anyway... I think that about rounds out this blog entry. Like I forewarned- nothing interesting, really.

Oh, and if anyone has any suggestions on how to make friends when you aren't in school, feel free to enlighten me, because it's just NOT happening here. I've tried contacting a place I want to volunteer for, they haven't gotten back to me. I joined rugby, but that's done now because the school year is over. I got a dog and as of the first of June I'll be able to go to the dog park with her (that's when she gets her rabies shot), but I don't see that as being a smorgesboard of potential friends... but maybe. So, any other suggestions or tips are much appreciated.

1 comment:

Jen said...

dear kp, please update me on your life. kthx.

- a concerned citizen