Tuesday, July 29, 2008

you say dress; I say fooling the MAN

Before I do a blog-update, I'm going to fill you all in on the glory (that I have just discovered) of dresses! I know, for me to say that somewhere very hot must have just gotten very cold. Anyway, I've decided that dresses are THEE best tom foolery since Freud being a coke head.

Wearing a dress is like wearing your favorite, giant, comfy t-shirt-- and it's publicly acceptable-- even at work! Seriously, a dress is the soft, flowy, not-so-distant cousin to the moo-moo. And I'm allowed to wear it to WORK, and I'm considered dressed UP! How clever, I say!

I just tried to look up the history of a dress, but it was a no-go. There's apparently a class I can take somewhere that will inform me about the history of a dress. I'll pass. For now...

Furthermore, wearing a dress makes getting ready even EASIER! Not only does it make you look more dressed up than usual-- it's EASIER! How fantastic! Putting on a dress removes the stress of having to find pants, a matching shirt, perhaps layered shirts, shoes, jewelry, etc. Putting on a dress cuts the majority of that headache out. It's like only having to find a shirt! No need to put pants on, no sir!

This genius device cleverly hides itself by being "too girly" or "too much fuss"... but where did it catch this bad rep? Smart, smart women over the years have kept this brilliant scheme to themselves to prevent a wide-spread dress epidemic. If dresses became the norm, there'd be no way to go up from there. So, instead, ladies have quietly discovered, then kept hidden, the secret of the dress.

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