Thursday, July 31, 2008


basically I have nothing specific to say, so through serendipitous methods, I'll probably end up saying a lot... here goes:

I'm going to start with the fact that Melissa got ENGAGED last night! woot! I'm wayyyy pumped about that! This is a picture of the happy couple :) I get to be in the wedding! I'm no pro, so I'm kind of nervous, but I'm sure I'll be told what to do, and I can't wait!!!!!! okay, enough exclaimation marks... heh... but I'll wear a dress, get some gifts, and drink a lot at the bachelorette party! Word. Here are Mel and I... this is St. Patty's day 07. And the love continues to rock on :) Mel is great. She's smart and crazy and I love her! And Mike, her husband-to-be, is a pretty badass dude. So it'll definitely be great.
Okay, now that I've sufficiently talked too much about... un-funny things... we'll move on to the fact that Zulu (I seem to write a lot about this dog) tried to kiss me last night, but only succeeded in drilling her tooth directly into the bridge of my nose. It's now bruised, somewhat swollen, and has a cut on it. I swear, this dog must eat demons when I'm out of the house, because she's a piece of work. She's more protective and loyal than any creature I've known, but damn can she do some damage. She can even hurt you with her tail! None of it is intentional, she had a rough beginning, but I'm going to make her a puppy slipper if this shit doesn't calm down. I don't know if I've mentioned-- but I'm going to basic obedience with both of them, and I really enjoy it. I'm probably a dork, but I like going! And I like having training sessions with them every night... it's fun for us :)
Other than that, it looks like a house of some sort will pan out with Torrey and Tadra, the two girls I found on craigslist who go to UCO. I met Torrey, she's really cool, so I'm excited. I think I found the only other liberal in the state! hahaha...
And that's going to conclude this post... more to come. Same bat-time, same bat-channel.

1 comment:

Jen said...

i was with you when you bought that hat!!!!

oh yes i waaaaaaas.