Friday, September 12, 2008

Only in Oklahoma...

I was driving to class yesterday after work and was flipping through the radio stations and stopped on one to listen to the traffic report. Immediately following the report they segway into the Backstreet Boys- I want It That Way. My gut reaction was to quickly turn the station before the earth spontaneously combusted, but instead, I turned the volume up and rocked it out. Now, I honestly wasn't a BSB fan-- New Kids, now we're talking-- but BSB weren't my thing. Isn't it strange though, how everyone knows the words to those songs? I never sat in my room listening to the boy band, but I new every word! Maybe the government plays it very lowly across the entire US to keep people in a trance-like state. Anyway, I rocked it out, let passersby look at me like I had lost my mind, and thoroughly enjoyed it. As the song was coming to a close, I was smiling to myself at the absurdity of singing along with the Backstreet Boys like I was onstage at one of their concerts, when THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER starts to play. I kid you not-- the effing Star Spangled Banner. At first I'm like, okay, it's 9/11, they're probably playing it as an introduction to a piece about this day in history. Nope. They play the whole song through- naturally it's one of the looong drawn out versions that takes about 8 minutes to get through- then come back on the air and make NO MENTION of it.

I'm sorry, that's just weird. Oh, Oklahoma.

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