Monday, August 4, 2008

a case of the Monday's

So, I definitely have it. A case of the "Monday's" that is... not VD. Still free and clear of that one. Instead of trying to find productive things to do at work, I'm looking up travel abroad, volunteer abroad, semester abroad, work abroad-- anything abroad-- and fantasizing about the day I can do some of these things :) I still haven't submitted my grant application yet, mostly because I'm apparently incapable of clicking a "submit by email" button the right way. So I've re-typed the damn thing 5 times, and you can't save it (fucked if I know why. Maybe they're worried someone will-gasp- save a copy of their grant application!) so I have to keep re-typing it when I SOMEHOW ACCIDENTALLY HIT THE BACK BUTTON AND IT'S GONE FOREVER INTO INTERNET OBLIVION! Which reminds me that I really like the song "beautiful oblivion"... by someone. So, anyway, I'm going to have to type it AGAIN... and hopefully actually submit it this time.

I've been feeling guilty about possibly leaving my dogs behind for a month... but then I think about it in the greater scheme of things, and it's not so bad. I had confirmation of this last night at the dog park. The people at the dog park are just as pathetic about their dogs as I am. I have a little group of people whom I know by their dog's names. Only one guy have I bothered to find out his real name- it's David. Anyway, Peanut's dad and David both agree that going away for anywhere up to a few months and leaving your dogs behind so you can fully experience a new culture and something different is totally legit. David is currently dog-sitting for two dogs whose parents (yes, we call ourselves parents, it won't change, so stop slamming your head against the keyboard... it'll be okay) are away for a month doing some fun European adventure. Being reassured that a getaway for myself isn't selfish or a rediculous thought, I'm excited again about the prospect of traveling! There are only two things that must be ordered off this menu: a month of volunteering in Cape Town, South Africa (what I'm sending in the grant for), and a semester of grad school abroad in New Zealand. These things would be seperated by at LEAST a year... so again, I feel vindicated in my desire to travel. My parents will watch the dogs if I go to South Africa for a month, so I could probably con them into it a second time :) Although I'm certain Zulu will shit ALL OVER for days after I leave because she can't just go down to the corner pub for a nip of gin to bust the anxiety she feels when I leave. Shitting on EVERY surface of the household is obviously my second choice to drinking away my sorrows.

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