Friday, August 8, 2008

rank poop.

No, the title is not meant to be a commentary on the stench of poo-- or maybe it was? But, it was also meant for you to do this poll: poo

That's right. Let's talk about it. Because my next post is going to be about politics, so why not just talk about all the things you aren't supposed to discuss openly? I'll start with poo, move to politics, and round it out with religion. Somehow that seems to be a natural progression.

Anyway, back on track: poop. Poop is a necessary evil. Actually, I don't find it to be evil at all... so, really it's just necessary. It's mother nature's way of saying, "Alright kiddo, time to throw some dead weight overboard so you can stuff your face some more!" It's glorious the way our body naturally and automatically deals with the toxins and unwanted garbage that goes through our system. What a well oiled machine evolution has delivered us!

Plus, poop is ALWAYS funny. Even when most adults (and by this I mean women... and pretentious people) won't admit it... SHIT IS FUNNY. I haven't come across a poo joke I don't like. I mean, it's a common thread among all things living. Every living species has waste-- why are we ashamed of it? Clearly having an aversion to eating or touching shit is probably a good way to keep humans seperate from animals by a level of sophistication, but that doesn't actually make shit not-funny. I mean, who doesn't laugh at a monkey-flinging-poo story? Or when a grown man shits himself? Or when a child is startled by his father jumping through the window wearing a warewolf mask and shits himself... who DOESN'T laugh???

And lastly, it makes everyone seem more... something... human maybe? when they talk about their bowel movements. Has your boss ever suddenly digressed that he's been constipated? Has your teacher ever mentioned their current stomache issues? When people do, it sometimes breaks down barriers that are created by the social structure and allows us to be genuinely... human... with one another. If turds can do that-- why not love them?!

Besides, when you're at work and you take a shit, you're actually getting PAID to shit! How cool is that?!

1 comment:

Zrrbite said...

You scare me Kim -Martin