Saturday, August 16, 2008

informative- and boring.

This is going to be a lame post to catch people up on my life.

The dogs are doing well. Class is still a lot of fun and they learn really quickly, so we're having a great time. We've already signed up for the intermediate obedience course to start about two weeks after this basic course is over. And a new fun development-- when they get back from the dog park and have been swimming for over an hour, they pee everywhere. Both of them peed on the bed yesterday, then Zulu peed again on the futon. Awesome. So the new precaution is to walk them evey half an hour after we get back from the dog park until we seem to be in the clear. Although I'm not sure yet when that is...

I found a place to live. I'm moving into a house with three other girls. And I'm sure that anyone who knows me just laughed, perhaps guffawed, heartily. My track record for living with women is... well... less than impressive. But, I'm going to give it the old college try (well maybe not college, seeing as that's when the problems were!). Plus, it's only for 6 months. And there's a backyard for the dogs, it's 10 mins from work, and it's in a nice neighborhood. Liz is the girl on the lease for the house, she's 23, and a nursing student at UCO. Torrey is the girl I was looking for places with before, she's 22 and a student. The third girl is unknown, but has a small dog, and I'm PRETTY concerned about that. My dogs are still playful puppies.... and they're going to play... and small dogs= chew toys... right? Shit.

Erin is coming in September. She gets here September 12 (right?). I'm way pumped about that and I'm going to take a day or two off of work to hang out with her. Then two months after that I'll be heading home for two weeks for winter break. I get back to OK January 3 and I'm done my service term March 3. So REALLY... it's not so bad. I have 85 WORK days until I'm home again for break. I can do this! The rest of my time here is divided up nicely, so I'm hoping I can just stick it out. For anyone who doesn't know my current... situation... I'm not going to post it on the internet. I'll do that after I'm done my term and can speak more freely without fear of backlash.

Zulu is cuddled in a blanket next to me, snoring happily, so I'm going to go snuggle up to her and enjoy my quite Saturday night with Harry Potter and his tales of witchcraft and wizardry! Sad news though for you Potter fans-- the release date of the next film, Half Blood Prince, has been pushed back from November 2008 to July 17, 2009. But, here's the trailer anyway. After you watch that, click on "daily prophet" and read about the HP exhibition and THEME PARK coming in sping of 2009!!!! WHO'S COMING WITH ME?!!


Sarah said...

Deep down I know it's harry potter's fault for showing his peen to everyone, but I'm going to blame you because I heard this bad news from you first. Thanks for crushing my hopes and dreams, Kim.

Kim said...

haha... peen!

ron, aka rupert, is also going nakie in something that is happening in the fall... also delaying the timeline for HP. However, when it comes out, I feel that would be the perfect time for us to travel the 1500 miles to hang out.
