Friday, August 8, 2008

MY State of the Union Address

In trying to start writing this entry, I find it hard to know where to begin. To me, the state of affairs in this country is appalling, at best. There are so many reasons, I don't know where to begin. But, I'm going to ramble through it, expelling my ideas and hopefully inspiring some to actually THINK about what is going on, rather than just "taking the pill" they're given.

I've heard some people argue that the war, even if it was/is unjustified, is started and we should "finish what we started". I don't even know what this means, nor do I think it should hold any merit in any educated argument. Backing out of the middle east is just what the doctor ordered, for us, and for them. The civilian leaders of this nation have the RESPONSIBILITY to not spend the brave and honorable blood of our soldiers without a danger to our nation, in a war founded on lies and falsities. We should not be fighting a war for "freedom" in another country. If their people want freedom so badly, they should stand up and fight for it themselves now. We have given them the tools necessary for them to continue on. They need to fight for their own freedom, just as our forefathers fought for ours. Freedom is not a gift. George W. and the US can't neatly package and deliver it to end the tyranny in Iraq or Afghanistan. Helping is obviously not bad, we wouldn't be free if others had not pitched in and helped our cause, but there is a difference between support and doing the whole damn thing for them.

Blindly following is not what democracy, the intention of our country, was built upon. We were formed on the idea that the citizens have the responsibility and DUTY to hold the leaders of this country accountable for their actions. To hold valuable the government "of the People, by the People, and FOR THE PEOPLE." These words are not heeded, and the condensing of the entire weight of the government into the White House-- into Mr. Bush's hands-- is terrifying, to say the least. He has far overstepped his boundaries, he has LIED to the country he serves- an impeachable offense- and still continues on his money-grubbing, self righteous war path. Using our freedom, OUR RESPONSIBILITY to our country to question this isn't unpatriotic. In fact, it is the most patriotic act one could make in these treacherous times. When our leader is subverting the Constitution of the United States, when Congress illegally abdicates it's responsibility to declare war-- the law has been broken. In order to remain a free nation, not a dictatorship, we must speak out against such injustice, such tyranny. If we do not, and we allow this type of mindless war to continue, it will undermine and weaken our defenses against ACTUAL threat. Currently the military cannot recruit enough soldiers to maintain the strong, robust militia we once boasted. It is a struggle to keep those already in the military after their term is up. Is it no wonder that these brave men and women no longer want to fight in a war with a clear agenda-- that has nothing to do with the American people and their liberties? Because of this, if there were to be an definitive, peril threat against our nation, our government has exceedingly weakened the capacity to which we may defend ourselves. This damage is tragic, and was avoidable, if Americans had taken their freedoms seriously and stood up for their inalienable rights.

Backing out of this war, as both Presidential candidates intend to do (thankfully), is the best way to revitalize our military. While, yes, there may be deaths- and some terribly tragic- because of it, it will be NOTHING in comparison to the devastation that will be felt if we stay in this wrongful, deceitful war. The soldiers and civilians deserve the right to regroup and rally around each other, to come home and lick the wounds that have been inflicted by our own totalitarian government, and to reclaim our FREEDOMS AND LIBERTIES from the dictatorship our country is turning into.

The Declaration of Independence says, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, IT IS THEIR DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

My friends, our country is in a sad state of affairs, for sure. Our President (not MY president) has utilized his time in office to be self-serving and egocentric. He has fed his own mouth and padded his own wallet. And his last GREAT act was to allow off-shore drilling. Drilling that will not bring usable oil for over a DECADE, but will certainly grease the pockets of himself and his cohorts. Furthermore, the chance of irreversible damage to our country and its wildlife is dramatically exacerbated by this gluttonous decision. I am personally appalled by his very existence, and even more appalled by the puppeteers behind this slack-jawed yokel.


Zrrbite said...

Can i be your president? -Martin

Kim said...

you would be the BEST PRESIDENT EVER! muffin for prez! we'll just have to get past that pesky "not allowed to be foreign born" policy.